Ways to sleep well so that we don’t put on weight

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Sun, Nov 17, 2013  
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There are a lot of things that worries us and we end up having sleepless nights. But sleepless nights once in a while are fine, but it is frustrating whenever you are unable to catch up with sleep. It is important that we adopt good sleep hygiene for maintaining weight.


Sleep only when you are sleepy. Avoid caffeine containing drinks such as coffee, soda or tea especially prior to sleeping. Chocolate and some prescription and non prescription drugs also contain caffeine. Try decaf beverages like chamomile tea or a glass of warm milk. Milk contains tryptophan, which is a natural sleep inducer.  


Be careful of what you eat at dinner time. Late night dinner can cut down your sleep time. Avoid eating fat filled dinners or big portions close to your bed time. Again remember the way heavy food is not good before bed time at the same time empty stomach also can interfere with sleep. Have a light snack like a bow full of fruits with cereals an hour or two before your bed time.


Set up a regular bedtime even on weekends. Breathing exercises, gentle yoga and relaxation techniques can help you manage stress and help you in getting quality sleep in the night.  But avoid exercising or gymming just before going to bed. Be active during the day. Exercise regularly to enhance quality sleep. Try and avoid afternoon naps.


Listen to relaxing music or do some light reading. A hot bath before going to bed makes you relaxed and helps you in falling asleep. The bed should be neat and the room should be comfortable. The room should not be very cold or warm.


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