Raw foodism and Good Health

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Sun, Nov 17, 2013  
No of Views(8219)

Raw foodism!


Your eating habits reflect the kind of person you are. A healthy woman eats on time, has the right kind of food and changes her diet according to her body. On the other hand, an unhealthy one eats at wrong time, binges on junk and pays no heed to the signals that her body sends out.


Thankfully, health alerts are gaining popularity across the world and people are looking for health foods. Though microwave heated or ready to eat foods looks like a smart choice for women with hectic schedules, these foods don’t have the nutritive value that raw food does. Remember raw food is whole, fresh and healthy.


Raw food makes you feel young. It detoxifies your body. It is good for cleansing your system and hence it gives an excellent glow to your skin. Have loads of fruits, raw vegetables in the form of salads and juices and even nuts. This will help you to keep your weight under control.  Preserving food for longer time kills the nutritive value of the food.


With chaotic lifestyles and pollution filled air in cities, one needs to eat light. Thus calorie laden foods are a big no no. Cola and junk foods have the tendency to make you feel lethargic. Substitute these with raw food that fills you with energy! Eat fresh and be active with raw diet.


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