OBSTACLES IN NAMASMARAN --dr.shriniwas kashalikar

Posted by SHRINIWAS JANARDAN KASHALIKAR on Mon, Jul 11, 2011  
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NAMASMARAN & Obstacles in its Practice 


There maybe some obstacles that may arise during the practice of NAMASMARAN. 

One of them is depression due to continuous bombardment of events in the surroundings; full of petty successes and failures (as depicted in print and electronic media ). One tends to feel that life is being drained in a wasteful manner in the futile exercise of NAMASMARAN, time is fleeting. This painful experience erupts from within like unmanageably excruciating pain; in spite of the conviction that NAMASMARAN ought to be the top most priority for individual and universal blossoming; i.e. holistic renaissance.

 The second obstacle is that of being helpless (impotent). Since it is difficult to convince NAMASMARAN and even more difficult to create interest, liking or passion for NAMASMARAN; one has to face painful criticism (of being inactive) and humiliation (of being useless and parasitic) from those who are completely entangled in the pursuit of petty gains. Since NAMASMARAN makes us considerate, we tend to accept the opposite view points rather too politely (often conceived as impotence) and feel miserable.

 The third obstacle is the emergence of introspection; of our increasingly deeper layers. The practice of NAMASMARAN brings to surface our drawbacks from the subconscious and unconscious layers of our being. These drawbacks to which we are hitherto oblivious give us a feeling that we are deteriorating due to the practice of NAMASMARAN! This is really disheartening.

 The fourth obstacle is the flaring of a conflict. This conflict; is between the notion; that NAMASMARAN embodies; specific ethical/moral pattern, puritanical behavior, asceticism and is alienated from the day to day problems, revolutionary fervor and epicurean values on the other!

The guru however keeps us revitalizing to continue the globally benevolent practice of NAMASMARAN and engender HOLISTIC RENAISSANCE!


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