How to stop Breast Feeding

Posted by Liza Sahu on Fri, Oct 2, 2009  
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Sooner or later you have to stop breast feeding your child.The decision is a personal one and you shouldn't ever feel pressured by those around you - either to continue or to stop.There are two ways to go for it firstly you can completely stop the breast feed from day one and the second one is to stop gradually.Ideally, you should avoid stopping breastfeeding too suddenly as your baby may find this traumatic which in turn will upset you. It is better to reduce slowly the number of breastfeeds your child has; first replace one breastfeed a day with a bottle or cup of formula milk (or cow's milk if he is over the age of one and has no known allergies). After a few days you can replace another feed and so on until you have stopped breastfeeding altogether.Most importantly be positive while carrying out the entire process as all babies are different and will react differently in same situations.The process is going to be more difficult than you have actually anticipated.Last but not the least have patience.


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  • avatar
    Saturday, October 3, 2009 Liza.Sahu

    thx pretz

  • avatar
    Saturday, October 3, 2009 pretz

    Good one!Breast feeding mothers would surely be helped by this.

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