Posted by Trupti Shirole on Mon, Sep 27, 2010  
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Overconsumption of alcohol results in a hangover. How much alcohol is necessary to produce a hangover depends upon the biochemical composition of the individual, and the type of drink consumed by the individual.


Distilled liquors like whiskey, gin and vodka have immediate effect than wine or beer.

Alcohol is absorbed more quickly when it is consumed after mixing with a carbonated drink.


After consumption alcohol reaches the brain within minutes. Initially alcohol acts as a stimulant, producing euphoria. But this soon gives way to central nervous system depression causing a feeling of numbness, sleepiness and finally unconsciousness.

Rapid ingestion of large amounts of alcohol can be fatal for the body.


The severity of a hangover is partially influenced by the by-products of the fermentation process (congeners) that contribute to the aroma and taste of the alcoholic beverage.

Greater the number of congeners, the more severe is the hangover.


Brandy has the maximum congeners, followed by red wine, rum, whiskey, white wine, gin and vodka.




  • Drink plenty of water before and between the drinks.
  • Eat some snacks while having drinks.
  • Drink slowly (1drink per hour).
  • Dilute the drink but avoid diluting it with sweet drinks as it may mask the taste of the alcohol and a person may end up drinking more quickly.
  • Do not mix different types of alcohol.
  • Choose your drink smartly. Darker alcohols have more congeners than lighter color ones.




  • Medicines like aspirin or ibuprofen can help relieve the symptoms of a hangover.
  • Having dry toast in the morning can help settle the stomach.
  • Drink lots of water in the morning.
  • Protein and fat rich foods can help in the recovery. Eg: dairy products, eggs
  • Bananas are helpful because they help replenish the potassium lost due to dehydration.


Seek immediate medical attention if you experience tremors, stomach pain or see blood in the vomit.



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