Fitness is Easy. We Make it Difficult

Posted by Neha Dhirajkumar Khodke on Sun, May 8, 2022  
No of Views(2190)

It is the era of superfoods. With the health benefits of more and more foods being discovered (or re-discovered), and the accessibility of the web, we are now more aware than ever about the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ concerning the foods we consume.

Consider this. An article that states the benefits of white tea results in a mad rush to the gourmet food stores to acquire this minimally processed product. Another feature speaks about the health value added by the antioxidants of blueberries, and we suddenly witness a higher demand for them in the food markets.

What we need to ask ourselves is:

“Do these foods really help in achieving our health goals?”

“Are they really the best foods for weight loss, or for any other health ambition we may have? Or are they just passing fads, remaining in public memory for not more than a few weeks?”

“Can they, alone, in their own capacity, make us slimmer, fitter or healthier?”

“Are they, truly, healthy foods?”

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The answer is simple. Any food considered a healthy food needs and demands adequate support from the other foods included in a diet. Guzzling six cups of the best white tea brew in the market would do you no good if the other components of your meals do not align with your health goals.

The key to accomplishing your health ambitions is to ensure that you are following a healthy diet plan, an ongoing mindful eating program that makes you re-think about the food you eat and ingrains in you the quality of choosing nothing but the healthiest meals for yourself. It's not difficult to achieve a healthy diet right at home. You only need to be aware of the ground rules. Here they are:

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Invest in the season

Always go for seasonal foods. A seasonal food is something that is predominantly available at a particular time of year, when its harvest is at its peak. This means that the taste, texture and nutritional benefits are at their maximum, and offer the best nourishment.

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Go for local

The lesser a food has to travel from farm to table, the better is its nutritive value. Foods that are imported from other countries lose most of their nutritional worth in transit. So, instead of blueberries, you could go in for oranges or muskmelon. Not only are they also rich sources of antioxidants, they are easier on the pocket and more readily available, making them among the best foods for weight loss.

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Avoid processed / packaged foods

The more the food is processed, the more empty calories it is loaded with. Fizzy drinks, ready-to-eat packaged meals, breakfast cereals, biscuits are a big no-no in a healthy diet plan. Not only are these foods rich in refined sugars and bad fat that promote obesity, they offer no nutrition whatsoever.

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 Bat for Breakfast

Never skip the first meal of the day. A good breakfast sets the tone for how the rest of the day will go. A breakfast that is homecooked, rich in good carbohydrates and fibre ensures better metabolism. This means quicker weight loss and fat burn.

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Embrace An Active Lifestyle

Eating healthy food will make you fitter and healthier, but being active will ensure you achieve your health goals sooner and for a lasting duration. Moderate workouts in the form of brisk walking, jogging, yoga and aerobics will help to burn fat faster and complement the healthy diet you are following.

It is not necessary to burn your pocket to get healthier. With these tips, you can start your wellness journey with ease and confidence.  


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