ED Causes - Physical, Psychological and Bad Lifestyle

Posted by Alina Morgan on Mon, May 9, 2022  
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Let's find out what causes male impotence? And what are the physical, psychological and bad-lifestyle causes of male impotency?

Male impotency or erectile dysfunction (ED) is a sexual inability to achieve or maintain erection that is hard enough and remain long enough in order to perform a successful sexual intercourse. Earlier it was said that ED is caused only in older men and the reason is aging. But the truth is that millions of men of all ages and from all walks of life are suffering from this disorder.

It is very difficult to Know everything about Men’s Erectile Dysfunction. Basically, the causes of erectile dysfunction can be divided into 3 major groups of physical, psychological and lifestyle causes.

Physical causes

Some common physical causes of erectile dysfunction are various diseases, disorders or any physical injury. Diabetes, aging, heart and kidney disorder, liver disease, obesity, hormonal abnormalities, arteriosclerosis, spinal cord injury, penile injury, surgery, neurological problem, reduced supply of blood to the male organpe, prostate cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc.

In many cases, the physical causes of impotency tend to develop slowly and reach to its advanced stage of erectile dysfunction, apart from the ED caused due to an injury or a surgery. Hence, you may have an irregular or partial erection difficulty for some time, which will gradually increase and worsen the situation.

Psychological causes

Various unhealthy psychological conditions can also develop erection problems with you. However, it is said that the maximum number of impotence is caused due to unhealthy physical conditions, unhealthy psychological conditions are also becoming a huge cause of impotence these days.

Most common psychological causes of ED are stress, guilt, depression, performance anxiety, stress, mental disorders (clinical depression, schizophrenia, substance abuse, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, personality disorders or traits), psychological problems, negative feelings, etc. for those men who are suffering from ED due to a psychological cause need a psychological therapist.

Even though the psychological cause in impotent is secondary to the physical cause, they enlarge their significance.

Lifestyle causes

According to a recent study, it is suggested that smokers are 8% more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction than non-smokers. Smoking affects blood vessel disorder, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. Long-term or excessive consumption of alcohol damages the nervous system and the connection between them. It can also cause depression and anxiety in men. It also impairs the sexual function. Drug Abuse such as heroin, cocaine, methamphetamines, and marijuana can largely affect your sexual function.


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