Disturbed Sleep can be Dangerous for Health

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Mon, Sep 19, 2011  
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Lack of sleep can lead to a lot of health problems. Problems related to sleep have become very common these days. People these days work under much more pressure than what our parents did years back.


Snoring while you are sleeping is also considered to be a sleep disorder. Waking up abruptly and walking while sleeping, waving hand and legs while sleeping, not able to keep your eyes closed for long are the most common sleep disorders.


Those who do not get a good eight to ten hours of sleep get stressed out more. They suffer from lack of concentration and memory disturbances. It takes a lot of time for these people to concentrate and settle down when doing a particular activity. Basically they lack focus.


Lack of sleep can also lead to high blood pressure, accidents while driving, cardiac failure, headaches and strokes. If you are suffering from sleep disorder, you can go through the polysomnography test. By this test one can detect the breathing pattern, pulse rate and other things related to sound sleep.


There are some patterns that should be followed if you are not getting enough sleep in the night-


*Exercise regularly: Forty-five minutes to one hour exercise is very important for a person. Because unless and until you exert yourself you will never be able to get a sound sleep in the night.


*Have a fixed bed time and make it a habit to go to bed at that particular time at least on week days.


*If you are not feeling sleepy lie down on bed with your favourite book or else listen to light music.


*Do not drink coffee or tea before bad time. Avoid even alcohol before bed time. Alcohol and nicotine robs people of sound sleep.


* Try these tips for at least a week. If still you don’t get to see any positive changes in your sleep pattern, then it’s time to consult a doctor.


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