Are You Killing Your Sex Life

Posted by Seema Nigar Alvi on Mon, May 9, 2011  
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Lack of sex can adversely affect the life of any couple. A sudden fall in libido may prove to be highly detrimental issue in a married couple’s life.


 A common problem faced by couples worldwide is the fall in their sexual desires and arousal.


The common responsible factors are the increase in responsibilities related to financial security, children, and various other sections.


With the passage of time, marriage takes the back seat. We find ourselves so burdened by the family responsibilities that we hardly find time to maintain our intimate relations. The outcome is quite obvious, lack of warmth in our sexual life.


I would suggest some important tips to safeguard your sex life and your marriage too.


1.   It is best to avoid stress and anxiety as kills the libido. Negative feelings have adverse impact on the performance. Work pressure, family stress, etc should be handled properly.

2.    It is good to have adequate and sound sleep. Sleep rejuvenates our body and mind and act as a refresher. Sleeping for at least 7-8 hours is good for our health.

3.   It is also seen that medicine like oral contraceptive pills, anti HIV, medicines used to control blood pressure, etc. reduce the sexual desires. In such conditions it would be best to take advice of the doctor particularly a sexologist.

4.   It is advisable to avoid alcohol consumption as it has a sedative effect and affects sexual activity.

5.   Chocolate is also seen to increase the sexual act and desire of togetherness.


Here I would like to mention few points, which are found to be effective in increasing the desires and performance of sexual activity, eg:


  • Figs- it stimulate copulation activity quite efficiently,
  • Asparagus- is known for its proven aphrodisiac activity.

 Just think over these points and try to improvise your sexual life. After all, you know best what triggers your spouse!

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  • avatar
    Monday, May 23, 2011 SimalLee

    O great blog thanks for sharing.

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    Sunday, May 22, 2011 drpkchadha

    Fish oil and Ashwagandha are two other products that are useful. The first to be taken in dose of 1 to 2 gms a day and Ashwagandha 500mg to 1000 mg once a day. Lack of physical fitness is one of the commonest reasons of low libido. In most cases of diabetes,loss of libido is the first sign. So one needs to get the sugar levels get checked up. Depression is a common cause of low sex drive- so is the treatment with some antidepressant medications.

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