Are you a compulsive eater?

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Sat, Dec 24, 2011  
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Sometimes we fail to understand the difference between true hunger and emotional hunger. Emotional eating is the main culprit for weight gain. I have seen for myself that I eat out of boredom. When I open a packet of chips I can’t stop at one or two or even ten. I just need to finish the full packet no matter how big or small it is.


Sometimes when we are upset or depressed we eat instead of opting for other coping strategies like meditating, talking to a friend or going for a walk. Now it is time for me or rather all of us who have a weight problem to do what people without weight problems do. If you are one of those who think that eating can sooth your body and soul then you are sure to pile on weight and remain overweight throughout your life.


People without weight problem also get tempted to eat, but the only difference is that they divert their attention to something else. Eating does have a calming effect on mood. Low level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates everything in the body from impulses to mood to appetite can cause feeling of irritability, anxiety and depression.


Identify your true hunger. Eat only when you are truly hungry.  Keep track of what you are eating. Write a list of all the reasons why you want to lose weight. Is it because you want to feel better and confident about yourself? Or is it because you want to be more energetic and healthier and want to see your children grow up, settle down and then hug your grandchildren?


Avoid over eating no matter what happens. Tell yourself that there are lots of advantages of losing weight. Avoid emotional eating. Maintain a diary where you can write down what you have eaten throughout the week and how much you have lost? Be honest to yourself and hence don’t forget to mention the wrong food that you have eaten. Once you have a list of everything then only will you be able to judge yourself better. By keeping a track about what you eat you will be able to know what food suits you best and what doesn’t.


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