Women Health and Ayurveda

Posted by RAJAT KANT SHARMA on Thu, Sep 13, 2012  
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Ever Wondered why in RAMAYANA ,Sitaji was kept in Ashok Vatika ? The answer could lie in Ayuvreda Herb called Ashoka -Saraca Inidica. 


In today's world ,working in a corporate enviornment can be quite demanding on Mind ans body for WOMEN.Stess leads to faster biological and pshycological ageing and effects the psyche,disturbing menstrual cycles.This causes concerns like irritablity,depressive thoughts ,stress etc.For the same reason cases of PCOS/PCOD ,Painful mensuration are on the rise.


In medical terms we may say it disturbs the HPO/HPG CYCLE which means HORMONE RHYTHMIC FLOW gets disturbed which is responsible for Woman's Reproductive health because hormone released properly regulate and ensure the healthy  physiology of uterus and related organs.


Women become vulnerable in this competitive world when they have to face working challenges at work and emotional ones at home.


According to Ayurveda main cause of Women reproductive health problem is Vata and all the above cited reasons cause increase in Vata[One of the three Physiologic Factor].Symptoms related with it may vary like Pain in Vagina, Different and unsual discharges from vagina ,not to mention painful menstrual cycles ,Dryness in vagina,lack of interest in sexual contact etc.Hence Women need some special care from the likes of Herb called ASHOKA ,SHATAVARI etc. These herbs retore the condition of UTERUS [Women Reproductive System] by regularising, monitoring,nourishing the body and mind.Then there are some Yogic practises which can be practised easily by Working Women or The Home Makers.


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