Why Do We Need To Pay Rich Tributes To A Mother Everyday.

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Mon, May 10, 2010  
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On the occasion of Mothers Day 2010 that fell on 9th May this year, it would be good to think over all the things a mother means to us. I feel it is not just a day you devote in a year to think about all our mothers have done for us, but I think it should be a day that all of us should start thinking and make an effort to devote just some time everyday to think of all the great things our mothers have done for us to make us what we are today. Yes, lets render tons of cheers to all the mothers and to-be mothers of this universe.


It is right to say that mothers are those gardeners that sow us into this earth and look after us until we fully bloom. They prune out the bad in us, bringing out the best and make us into useful citizens of the world. Yes a mother decides that each day is the Day for her child and pays attention to what she can do best for her child to make him/her happy and to improve her for a better life. The mother decides to look at the best in each of her children and values differences between them. She values the beauty and unusual traits of each of her child.


Mothers are like laborious gardeners who do not mind doing the difficult work of child rearing and put in all their efforts, going through all the ups and downs of parenting to bring out the best behavior and talents of their child. Mothers are able to encourage the exceptional talents of each of her child and contribute to making him or her an unusual and exceptional child in their own right. Yes mothers bring out good and beautiful human beings like gardeners bring out beautiful well-pruned gardens. 


Mothers are great people who do envy other children, but look to ways she can bring out the best in her child. It is worthwhile to note that all children cannot become a Sachin Tendulkar, an Einstein or a Amarthya Sen. However she realizes that her child can become a good and capable person in his or her own right. She realizes her pruning and encouragement is all it takes to make her child a good and capable person in his or her own right. She nourishes and nurtures each of her children in the most unique way suitable for him/her.


A good mother has also chosen the right lens to look at each of her children and knows each ones positive and extra-ordinary points. She knows the positive way to view each of her children and realizes that each one takes his or her own time to mature and grow and mother has to be patient to accept it. Mothers realize that their understanding of each child matters more than the force applies on them.


It is very true, mothers accept you as you are and have always been by your side for the realization of your innermost dreams in life. She is the angel who is always proud of you and becomes ready to change with the times and support your dreams. This applies to even your attitude after you grow up. She accepts you and wishes good for you even if you do not go to her often and wish to remain independent. However once you go to her for advice and counsel she is ready to help you. Such is the relationship of motherhood; a magnificent flow of goodwill whatever is the circumstances.


To conclude, mothers realize that ultimately you have a life of your own but do not stop giving you anything knowing fully well that she may not get much in return. However I believe each one of us should be sparrows who flew out of our nests, but do go again and again to the nest to remind our mothers we love them, need them and will care for them in return. Last but not the least it should be a law that we do pay rich tributes to the person called mother and to motherhood in particular


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