Never again am I going to play a prank on someone who looks like he can fold me into two with his pinky finger. Well in case you’re wondering what I’m talking about, here’s what happened. I was watching the TV the other day and I saw this amazing joke. Something I just had to try out! So I made the necessary preparations and of I went to college (yes I mean college not school and yes I know what I did was extremely childish), in college the first person I saw was Big Mack (not his real name of course. Name changed to avoid hospitalization of the writer). So I go up to him and I say hey Mack would you like to see the picture of the most stupid person on the planet? He said yes and by this time a crowd gathers I opened the box, he put his hand in the box and took out its content. Well what he saw kind of ticked him off because the next thing I know something huge came towards my eye and I doubled over with pain. A few minutes later my right eye was all swollen and black!! And just in case you were wondering, there was a mirror in the box, hehehehe. It’s amazing how an object so common can inspire the wrath of a bully, but that’s for another day. Today however I’m going to be blabbering about the black circular disc that adorns my right eye. Well it’s not that big a deal but it looks really disgusting. Here are a few tips and tricks on how to deal with a black eye.
Well that’s all for today folks. If you have any more tips or if you find anything that’s wrong do post it in the comment box. The box thirsts for your comments
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