What is Paleo Diet?

Posted by Sam John Xavier on Wed, Jan 10, 2018  
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Paleo diet, when I heard of it for the first time, I was quite fumbled by the name and true to my guess, it did stand for food habits of humankind belonging to the Palaeolithic era. It is quite surprising to see that many people now have started to follow an eating habit, which goes by the name “Paleo Diet”, a diet that is considered to be the way humans were genetically designed to eat. A paleo diet would include meat, fish, leafy greens, vegetables grown locally, nuts and seeds. Pasta, cereals, doughnut, pizza and noodles are definitely out! Nothing on your plate that the caveman did not eat!Continue reading to understand the benefits of Paleo diet.Weight loss is generally the major goal for anyone who follows any diet. Paleo diet will not result in immediate weight loss, but help you through a sustained weight loss procedure.

When we start to follow Paleo diet, we tend to be more satisfied with our meal, and not have those strange and awkward cravings for food, shortly after we finish our meal. This will make us eat less and only when we are actually hungry and not just because of hunger arising out of emotions such as anger or sadness.

One of the major aspects of Paleo Diet, is that we have to eat fresh unprocessed food, which these days can be more expensive, than processed food products, but it is worth spending on food, than footing expensive medical bills. This is because we will be consuming more vegetables and fruits under this diet plan, which will definitely strengthen the immune system, thereby enabling the body to fend off infections or any ailments.

Another significant outcome of following Paleo diet is that we can reduce the possibility of getting affected by lifestyle diseases, like heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, etc.

However, check out details with a doctor or dietitian before you go experimenting with a Paleo diet. You’ll have to miss milk products and grain foods when you’re in a Paleo diet and you should know what nutrients you’ll miss and how you can compensate the loss by choosing other food items on the Paleo list.


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