What Is a Palatal Expander?

Posted by Shantanu Jaradi on Fri, Jun 17, 2016  
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One of the most common dental procedures that most kids undergo is palatal expander. It is a simple procedure and has many benefits in the long run.The upper roof of our mouth is called the maxilla, which is formed by two bones that fuse together in the middle of the palate.. According to our experts at Dentzz, this fusion completes only after a person has hit puberty and this width can be expanded with the use of a palatal expander. When the circumference of the palate widens, the dental arch increases too and gives room for the teeth growth.

Who needs a palatal expander?

There are several reasons to get a palatal expander, some of these include:


The upper set of teeth always close a little outside of the lower teeth in a normal dental structure. However, it can be the opposite for those who have a narrow palate. This asymmetrical growth can make the facial structure look abnormal and cause a shift in bite often called a crossbite. if not corrected in time.

 • Overcrowding

Growing children have a mixed set of deciduous teeth and adult adult teeth. During this stage it’s very important to have enough room for all the adult teeth to find the right position. If there is overcrowding, the teeth will be jammed together in an unnatural way. Expanders will not only facilitate the eruption of blocked teeth due to overcrowding but they will also broaden the smile and make it look appealing.

Improved breathing

A narrow upper jaw can make breathing through the nose difficult for a child and he/she may end up breathing through their mouth. This is an unhealthy habit which can invite problems due to unfiltered breathing, dry mouth and halitosis.  

How long does one have to wear them?

Usually the dentist will remove them once the desired shape is obtained, this may take anywhere bebetween three to seven months. The duration may vary for different individuals and their condition. While removable and non-removable options are available most dentists recommend non-removable, as it will make the procedure shorter and hassle free. 



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  • avatar
    Monday, July 11, 2016 Marshal_Smith

    Hi, My son, Brian is undergoing the same treatment. He snores while he sleeps, so our E N T specialist advised us to see a dentist to get palatal expansion done. We have not taken a second opinion on it yet, but I have my doubts on it. Is snoring related to dental issues?

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