Breast cancer is mind-boggling for any woman who is recently diagnosed or the loved ones you know. Face the truth! Any woman can get breast cancer young, middle aged or elderly. Become intelligent to know all the risks associated with breast cancer. Once you know all about breast cancer you hold a better chance to reduce the risk or catch the disease in its early stage.
What is breast cancer?
Cancer is a state where the normal cells start dividing and grow out of control. When the cells in the breast grow it is called breast cancer. Breast cancer is a wide group of diseases. When the tumour cells spread to other location from the breast it is called as malignancy. Cancer spreads throughout body via blood flow.
Breast cancer occurs when cells in the breast divide and grow out of control. These malignant (cancerous) tumours can spread from the breasts to other parts of the body through the lymph system or blood stream (metastasis).
More than 1.7 million cases have been diagnosed as breast cancer worldwide.
What should you do?
As you make a to-do list for grocery shopping, make a list of all the things about breast cancer.
Entire data regarding breast cancer causes, risk factors are collected by analysing the cases of breast cancer patients. What exactly sets off cancer is still behind the dark cloud. The only smartness we can show is the awareness regarding this overwhelming disease. Early the diagnosis, high is the survival rate.
How to know that you might be in the danger zone?
Which are the factors that increase the risk of breast cancer?
Do not let fear of breast cancer control you after reading this inside take charge to know it, prevent it or treat it on time. Learn, Notice and Recognize:
These 3 tools are all you need to know to discover any signs of breast cancer.
Signs which show that something is going wrong:
Set reminders:
You might spend hours in front of mirror for that beautiful face, next time do spend few minutes to examine your breast for any abnormal signs.
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