Vitamins for your Libido

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Fri, May 6, 2011  
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Have good whole grain cereals and not saturated and processed foods. The fat found in biscuits, cakes and most white flour products like rice, bread and pasta. Indian sweets should also be avoided.


Add foods that have lots of vitamins and minerals.



Vitamin A is excellent for the hair and skin. All types of vitamin A, especially beta carotene, contain antioxidants. Have lots of pumpkin, carrots, apricots, corns, papaya, yellow capsicum and leafy greens. Your immunity will increase and your skin will glow.


Zinc can actually boost up your libido. Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of zinc and Vitamin E. Zinc increases the sperm count of men. In women they increase the sexual fluid secretions. Zinc is also found in eggs, brown rice and pine nuts.



Vitamin E aids the regulation of hormones. Mainly Vitamin E is good for men to boost up their libido. Have a small quantity of nuts, seeds and avocado daily.



Vitamin C helps in increasing the immunity of people. Vitamin C is found in abundance in amla, tomatoes, guava, kokum, capsicum, oranges and lemon.



Healthy fat is needed for the absorption of E and A. It is important for the regulation of body temperature. Omega 3 fatty acids are found in fish, walnuts and fatty acids.


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  • avatar
    Saturday, June 4, 2011 C.Rajesh

    Are pumpkin seeds easily available in the market ?? What are they called in Hindi ?? kindly advice !

  • avatar
    Saturday, May 14, 2011 aquamarine

    excellent, well written article!

  • avatar
    Saturday, May 14, 2011 scverma

    Glucose utilisation. The best way to check libido is rest yourself in the arms of your partner for three hours without going to sleep or feeling tired.

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