Unnecessary Hysterectomies in India

Posted by Trupti Shirole on Thu, Apr 21, 2011  
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Many of us might have read the shocking news about the removal of uterus of 226 women in Rajasthan. But this is not all. This is only one of the many cases that have surfaced. Many gynecologists carry out hysterectomies of young women even though there is no such clear indication. Money is the reason behind such malpractices.


Several times doctors cite heavy bleeding as a reason for removal of uterus. But with advances in medical science hysterectomy is no more the only available option. Women with heavy menstrual bleeding can opt for oral remedies, intra-uterine devices (IUD) or endometrial ablasion. Doctors should resort to hysterectomy only when all other treatments fail to give results.


Patients with a problem of excessive menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia) can also consult an alternative medicine practitioner. There are several beneficial herbs and medicines in Ayurveda which can help solve this problem and prevent hysterectomies.


The rising concern about unnecessary hysterectomies is not just about the removal of uterus, but it is about the complications that follow as even the ovaries are removed for prophylactic reasons. Therefore, the patient has to be on a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for the rest of her life. This HRT does no good to lessen the side-effects like mood swings, vaginal dryness, itching, osteoporosis, weight gain, decrease in libido etc.  


Less awareness about women’s health among the rural population is one of the major reasons why doctors get away with such kind of malpractices. Women should be aware about the side effects of hysterectomy. They should discuss it properly with their gynecologists and opt for hysterectomy only when the benefits outweigh the risks.


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  • avatar
    Saturday, December 22, 2012 anamyna

    Il y a trop de lhystérectomie dans la gyn. moderne . Moi il y a 4 ans on m'a proposé L'Hystérectomie à cause des petits fibromes. Moi aussi on me proposait une hystérectomie il y a 5 ans . Je n'ai pas fait. On ma proposé ou plutôt obligé de prendre des hormones. Je n'ai pas fait...Je me suis soigner avec des plantes. Maintenant je suis ménopausée et je me sens très bien avec mes petits fibromes. C'est pas toujours nécessaire faire une Hystérectomie prouve mon cas. Attention au Gynécologue abusive. Il y des alternative comme nova sure mes les médecins ne propose pas. aussi l’Europe est championne des hystérectomies abusive

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    Saturday, May 14, 2011 scverma

    I am dealing with this problem almost everyday. It is really hard for the wife to believe that she will be alright after any other treatment. Our social structure is such that women is ready to suffer pain and agony for false happiness of her husband that she has undertake hysterectomy for his sake. And the husband thinks he has done enough by getting hysterectomy done. May be also thinks some additional things ?? and his subconscious betrays his educated brain to say NO to hysterectomy. The game is in the hands of FIRST DOCTOR the patient visit and the GYNECOLOGIST who should both educate her for hysterectomy as LAST AND STILL NOT THE BEST OPTION.Will they care ? do the Medical Colleges have protocols?

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