Truth Behind Diabetes

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Tue, Mar 20, 2012  
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In India 51 million people suffer from diabetes. It is a chronic disease that is marked by high level of sugar in the body.


Sugar patients should see to it that they are taking an adequate and balanced nutritional intake. Eat three meals and three snacks every day. Sugar patients should take fibre rich food and complex carbohydrates. This calls for choosing foods that are low cal and avoiding refined, high glycaemic foods, plus opting for small frequent meals. They can have lots of fruits, vegetables, wheat, brown rice, oats, ragi, bajra. Make sure to avoid simple sugar as in chocolates, cakes, cookies. Fat intake and salt intake should be less.


It is generally said that potatoes and rice are dangerous for diabetics. More over these contain starch a source of energy. Small portions are not dangerous. Food that is deep fried in oil should be avoided. Since alcohol leads to weight gain, it should be taken in limitation.


Diabetic patients should keep a track of their body weight and should practice some form of exercise regularly. Hyper secretion of insulin causes weight gain. Encouraging weight loss is one of the principles of management of this condition. Diabetic patients should target five to ten kg weight loss every rear. The recent researches say that having tined juice is worse that drinking flavoured soda.


At the same time you should take care that your sugar level doesn’t fall. Low sugars are as bad, if not worse. So one should eat enough complex carbohydrates and fruits which prevent hypoglycemia.



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