The women's friend during pregnancy

Posted by arun kumar burnwal on Mon, Mar 21, 2011  
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During pregnancy, there is a lot of physiological and structral changes in the body of woman, causes unhappiness in daily life,although it is a natural phenomena.




1.(a)There is tingling, tenderness, ocessionally pain in the breasts.


 (b)Due to change in pelvic ligaments and shifting centre of gravity in woman from enlarge abdomen,causes waddling gait and sometimes heaviness & pain in lumber region.


(c)Due to foetal devlopment, there is difficulty in walking, breathing and doing         daily routine household work.


To cure these problems, HOMOEOPATHY has miracle medicine and is practically found      that BELLIS PRENIS 200 , occasional doses relives all the above symtoms.


2.ANAEMIA:-About 95 percent of anemia cases during pregnancy are due to iron   dificiency.There are several women, suffering from anaemia during pregnancy. During pregnancy , there is more need of RED BLOOD CELLS to carry  oxygen for her body and for her foetus. The complain of anemia causes weakness,   pallor, breathing difficulty, dizziness and complications during &after delivery. The compalin is normallised by using homoeopathic medicine- FERRUM PHOS 6X,   biochemic, time to time.


3. CALCIUM DIFICIENCY:-During pregnancy CALCIUM is nessary(a) to help the women for   nervous, muscular& circulatory system health.(b) For development of bones & teeth   for her and baby.(c) To prevent osteoporosis in her later life.(d) For better   lactation to her homoeopathy CALCARIA PHOS 6X biochemic should be taken   time to time.


4. There is fear in every woman for difficult delivery. To solve this problem KALI      PHOS 12X , biochemic should be taken for two month, starting from 7th month with   guidance of physcian. The kali phos also controls tacycardia during pregnancy.


5. GASTRIC PROBLEMS:- It is seen that during pregnancy, there is vomiting,nausea &   heartburn -not controlled by nomal medication. The women should take AMLOKI 6,   occassional doses to relive her symtoms. The good effect of amloki intaking causes   a better growth of hairs on the head of baby.


Sometimes, it is seen that woman has vomiting and/or avertion to food with intolerancy of odour of food.   For this, SEPIA 200 one dose is sufficient, If nessary, another dose will be   required. Please consult your homoeopathic doctor. 


6. CONSTIPATION:- There is genral diminution of bowel movement in pregnancy , causes   constipation, The medicine is prescribed for that -AGALE FOLIA 6, at night,should   be taken . For further specialised treatment , counsult your physician, MEDICINE ,   Such as nux vomica, alumina, sepia etc may be required.


Thus,woman can enjoys her pregnancy, a boon of GOD.


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