The Art of Parenting

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Sun, Apr 22, 2012  
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Kids these days are very smart, so we need to be smarter. They need an explanation and justification for everything. We cannot just be ‘because I said so’ kind of parent that we used to have during our childhood days.  Remember days have changed. The need of the hour is a parent who is understanding and more of a friend than a tyrant.


Be a good role model to your child. Remember that your child is watching you. So be careful with your behavior and your words. Behave the way you want your child to be as adults. Setting a positive role model is the best gift you can give your child.


Sometimes it is absolutely necessary to show your child that you love him by hugging, kissing, cuddling. These gestures boost up his self esteem. The child feels loved and wanted and grows up to be secured adults who will give importance to family values when he becomes a parent.


Be involved in all aspects of your child’s development which means knowing everything about what your child does throughout the day. Arrange your life so that you can fit in to your child’s requirement and give him the time. Make it a mission to give priority to your child’s requirements before anything else. If you are giving a lot of time, attention and you are genuinely involved in your child’s life it will help you build a long term bond with your child which no money can ever buy.


Being a close friend to your child again does not stop you from setting rules and boundaries as they are very important in the disciplining the child. Keep your eyes and ears open as to what your child is doing and also the company he keeps. Make him responsible from a young age. Tell him that it is for his development that it is important to study. Make him understand how important it is to work hard and teach him early in life to value money and his possessions. Make it a habit to keep a track on his studies and his extracurricular activities and he should feel from within that it is important for him to be serious in life. Being independent, responsible and serious about his studies from a young age will help him in becoming a confident adult.


Be consistent with your rules because children get confused by inconsistent discipline. If you do not agree with your partner regarding a certain thing on parenting do not show your disagreement in front of your child. Discuss it with each other when your child is not around or when he is sleeping. Simply just don’t put forward rules and regulation in front of your child. Give an explanation as to why you have made these decisions. If you don’t give an explanation, he will not understand as to why you have made these decisions because he doesn’t have the experience of life that you have.


Value your child’s sentiments because if you don’t value your kid’s sentiments today then he will never value your sentiments when he grows up. Respect your child the way you will respect an adult. Always remember that your child is an individual with his own needs, wants and desires. Remember every child is different and unique in his own way, so don’t compare him in front of his friends. Treasure him for what he is. 


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