Posted by SHRINIWAS JANARDAN KASHALIKAR on Mon, May 21, 2012  
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Somato-psychic means; that which originates in soma (body, matter) and affects psyche i.e. mind (actually us). 

Stress is universal. It is conscious, subconscious and unconscious in us; and it is completely unconscious in plants and small animals.

The stress results due to trauma, metabolic disorders, infections, malignancies, genetic disorders, hormonal variations, alterations in the neural and neuroendocrine reactions; and so on, which are influenced by our responses to internal and external surroundings.

Our responses in turn; are determined by the degree of our being influenced by our body metabolism, musculoskeletal strength, endocrine status, autonomic and central nervous system activity; such as memory, association, correlation, analysis, synthesis, contemplation, learning experience! 

The point here is; we (which are certainly not mere bodies) suffer from the stress in direct proportion to the degree of our being “bound” in the bodies! 

At least some times we find that it is not possible to communicate our agonies; to any one; as we are unable to figure out what is happening to us. At other times we cannot confess because we feel; no one would pardon us or absolve us! We are uprooted and devastated, without any identifiable reason! 

We may put the blame on the family members, spouse, relatives, friends, social events, media, government; and so on. But actually the cause of our stress is our being controlled by our body and its perceptions. 

In 7000 million human beings and billions of other living organisms; there are trillions of cellular, nuclear, molecular; metabolic, endocrine and neuroendocrine events, which cause stress. Considering the size of this perceivable universe and the permutations and combinations of the events; it would be easy to understand why the stress in the form of exploitation, inequality, wars, strife, terrorism, crimes and other maladies; continues to inflict us and why palliative and ad hoc remedies continue to fail or turn out to be counterproductive!

In holistic renaissance or superliving; the universe orients to its true self by remembering (jikra, NAMASMARAN) the name of God (the governing super conscious center of universe). Instead of bodies and their perceptions; the true self tangibly governs and overcomes individual and universal stress; and thus realizes unity and harmony.


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