Steroids and it's Side-Effects

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Sun, Sep 18, 2011  
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In earlier times steroids were used only in case of emergencies, but today this has become one of the most abused classes of drugs. And this can be dangerous.

Steroids are synthetic fat soluble organic compounds called lipids. Steroids are produced naturally in the body. There are three types of steroids-androgenic steroids, corticosteroids and anabolic steroids. Androgenic steroids include testosterone, which help in the growth of the male reproductive tract and also in the development of male secondary sexual characteristics. Corticosteroids are naturally produced in the body and are involved in regulating inflammation, thus dealing with injury.

Steroids like hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, methyprednisolone, and predinisolone help destroy cancer cells and makes chemotherapy more effective. Steroids are also useful in treating hormonal disorder. Steroids promote proper functioning of sexual organs. It enhances muscle growth.

The side effects of steroids depend on the type of steroids taken by the person. Steroids can be taken orally or can be injected too. Some steroids are available as nasal sprays. Nasal sprays are less easily absorbed into the body. Therefore they usually produce lesser side effects.

Long term usage of steroids can cause fluid retention because of electrolyte imbalance. This leads to the swelling of ankle, fingers and face and even leads to the bloated feeling in the abdomen. Steroid scan make your periods irregular and can even stop them. While on steroids you may want to eat more and there by end up gaining weight. Menstrual cycle can also get disturbed because of the usage of steroids. Irritation of stomach, mood swings, fluctuation of blood sugar level, eye problems, muscle wasting, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and mouth sores are other problems.

When a person discontinues the steroid cycle she becomes prone to viral infections, cold etc because of low immunity. The immune system gets dependent on steroids and hence it takes time to get rejuvenated.


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