Stay fit and Celebrate life

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Mon, Feb 28, 2011  
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To stay fit and to celebrate life you should correct your lifestyle. Find an exercise that you enjoy and make healthy food choices. All these changes will make you a more confident person and improve your self esteem.


Healthy eating means regular meals with healthy snacks. Our regular meals should be well balanced and include plenty of wholesome foods like whole grains, beans sprouts, vegetables, fruits, nuts, low fat milk, soy milk, olive oil, flax seeds, green leafy vegetables as these supply all the nutrients needed to combat stress, maintain a healthy balance and improve one’s moods. All these foods will give you lot of energy.


Food habits have a lot of impact in our thought process and our attitude towards life. Food also plays an important role in our biological growth. We should consume food that can be easily digested then only can we get the required supply of energy and vigor.



*Drink plenty of water to keep yourself well hydrated. Water is essential for all biological functions, controls body temperature and prevents dehydration.


*3-4 servings of food is a must. Stock up on oranges, lemons, pineapples, kiwis, strawberries, grapes, bananas, apples, cherries etc. These are powerful antioxidants.


*Include 1-2 glasses of fresh vegetable juices or fresh soups with veggies like cabbage, celery, tomato, lettuce, carrots, beans, spinach etc.  When you are leaving for a dinner party have a bowl of soup and then leave.


*Avoid heavy spices as they cause acidity and make you temperamental.  Drink lot of warm water before and after a meal.  Another thing that can be had is to gulp down 1tbsp of lemon juice with half a glass of warm water.


*Avoid heavy dinners.


*Avoid large helpings of refined carbs like bread, pasta, white rice and refined flour or maida.


*Avoid greasy food, deep fried food and sugary food.


*Eat only when you are hungry and stop when you are half full.


*Prepare food with very little salt and oil.


*Cut down on meal proportions and replace all junk food with roasted chana, nut sand fruits. Eat at short intervals.


*Avoid caffeine, alcohol and aerated drinks.

*Cut down on meal proportions. Eat small meals at short intervals.




*Running or brisk walk is a god form of exercise which conditions the body and boosts metabolism.


*Do warm up exercise like skipping, jumping jacks, spot jogging, swimming, dancing etc for cardiovascular benefits and to boost stamina.


*Yogasanas like dhanurasan, tadasan, bhujangasan, naukasan, pawanmuktasan etc are excellent for both the muscular and the skeletal system. These asanas tones the muscles, burns fat, increases metabolic rate and improves digestion.


*8- 10 rounds of suryanamaskars provide a full body and cardio workout.


*Squats, lunges and leg kicks for the lower body and abdominal exercises like ab crunches, sit ups etc targets the abs.


* Breathing exercises like om chanting, anulom-vilom, kapalbhati, and bramhari are recommended to distress the body.


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    Friday, March 4, 2011 scverma

    A very fine and crisp note on how to remain healthy. Wish young persons develop a strong urge to remain healthy. Some people with frequent blood pressure variation and having breathing problem should not do kapalbhati, brahmhari.

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