Simple Tips to Become Fertile!

Posted by Anne Trueman on Fri, Jun 20, 2014  
No of Views(5177)

Pregnancy is one of the most amazing experiences of a woman’s life.


But you need proper knowledge and care about this beautiful phase. Here are some useful tips to help you understand pregnancy in a simplified way.  


Ask your doctor to help you comprehend menstrual periods and the process of conception. Clear your doubts and myths. You can even surf on internet and educate yourself.   


Understand the process of ovulation. The day when your periods start is the first day of ovulation. Ovulation occurs on the fourteenth day of a 28 day menstrual cycle. But if your periods are irregular it would be hard to predict when ovulation takes place. Cervical mucus is usually thin after menses and becomes thicker when ovulation is about to occur. Your basal body temperature usually dips about 24 hours prior to ovulation and it soon rises with the release of ovum. Keeping in mind the inaccuracy of the estimation of events from person to person, correct prediction of ovulation is not possible. Electronic devices are available that can easily and effectively predict ovulation but they are a bit expensive.


Talk to your doctor and get your thorough check-up done. Your obstetrician will tell your some very important things about parenthood and the biological process of conception. Take your partner along while understanding the conception process.


Tweak the Diet- Avoid smoking, alcohol and caffeine from your diet. Include healthy nutritious food in your daily consumption. No more pizzas, burgers and fast food, get more and more fruits in your diet. This is advisable to both you and your partner. A healthy diet increases your chances of becoming pregnant naturally!   


Do not use lubricants such as K-y jelly because it does not allow sperms from reaching the ovum and even kills them.


Make the intercourse more enjoyable- foreplay should be done as it prepares the couple for a more pleasurable sexual experience. If you want to conceive then avoid making sex bore and chore. It should be fun and interesting rather than being just a biological process.


Have sound sleep. If you are planning to form a family, it is important for you to sleep properly. Avoid waking till late at night as it hampers your overall wellness.


Resort to meditation. Avoid becoming a victim of day to day stress and anxiety. Today’s lifestyle is full of stress and competition, it is important to find ways to relax and be composed. You can spend some time in the proximity of nature. Go for a stroll early in the morning. This will keep your heart and mind calm.  


In the end I can say that follow these simple tips and get help from your doctor. Infertility is no longer a bane. With proper guidance and medical treatment you can get your own baby.  These tips will help you become more fertile. All the best! 


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