Rotarix Rotavirus Vaccine

Posted by Matthew on Thu, Jun 25, 2009  
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Rotarix Basics:
Rotarix is a rotavirus vaccine that was approved by the FDA in April 2008.


What Rotarix Is Used For:
Rotarix protects young children against mild and severe gastroenteritis that is caused by certain strains of rotavirus.


Rotavirus Facts:
Rotavirus is the most common cause of severe gastroenteritis, with watery diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain, in children. Although many children have mild symptoms, they can still linger for up to eight days. Each year, about 50,000 unvaccinated children are hospitalized from complications of rotavirus infections and there are 20 to 40 deaths.


Rotarix Facts:
Rotarix is given as a two-dose series that can be started when an infant is as young as six weeks old. The second dose can be given as early as four weeks later and must be given before the baby is 24 weeks old. Infants will likely get Rotarix at their two- and four-month checkups.


Forms Of Rotarix:
Like Rotateq, Rotarix is a live, oral rotavirus vaccine. It can be given completed with just two doses though, while the Rotateq vaccine series requires three doses.


Rotarix Side Effects:
The most common side effects of the Rotarix vaccine include fussiness, irritability, cough, runny nose, fever, loss of appetite and vomiting. Large safety trials have been conducted and have found no associated between Rotarix and intussusception, which was a rare, but serious side effect of Rotashield, the first rotavirus vaccine that is no longer available.


What You Need To Know:
Rotarix is being used in over 100 countries around the world, including Europe, Asia, and many countries in Latin America. A review of Rotarix in the Seminars of Pediatric Infectious Disease found that "large safety and efficacy trials have shown the vaccine is safe, not associated with intussusception, and effective..."



FDA News Release. FDA Approves New Vaccine to Prevent Gastroenteritis Caused by Rotavirus. April 3, 2008.

CDC National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. About Rotavirus.

Gershon: Krugman's Infectious Diseases of Children, 11th ed.

Live attenuated human rotavirus vaccine, Rotarix. Bernstein DI - Semin Pediatr Infect Dis - 01-OCT-2006; 17(4): 188-94.


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  • avatar
    Tuesday, February 22, 2011 tiredmum

    My own daughter recieved this recommended vaccine in NSW in 2009 at the recommended 14 weeks. I nearly lost her life 4 times. She now has a diagnosed permanent bowel damage. There is no support or treatment available despite me taking her to GP's, pediatricians and bowel specialists. They simply do not know how to fix the injury. I have been offered "experimental" bowel surgery for her. I want a campaign that informs mothers that immunisation is not compulsary, that their children can still go to school and daycare. I also want the Governemment to get rid of this dangerous vaccine from their recommended "Schedule" which is continuously pushed on tired and uninformed mothers by every health nurse and Doctor from the day the child is born. Meegan Allen (0458250310). I have also read anecdotes of other Australian mothers who's children have had similar "unexplained" bowel conditions following this vaccine.In September 2010 GlaxoSmithKline (the drug company) put a new warning on the vaccine that it is known to increase the risk of fatal bowel disease and bowel abnormalities (such as the documented intersusseption).

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