Posted by divya grover on Tue, Mar 31, 2015  
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Osteoprosis  also known as “LOW BONE DENSITY” disease in  which your bones become weak and fragile as your bone mass density becomes weak. Low density bones spoften lead to multiple fractures. Osteoprosis is majorily seen in aged women in comparison to men and especially after menopause.


Osteoprosis  is caused by various factors.Primarily factor is your improper diet.Less intake of milk (which you usually spill off in your basin because you don’t like it)and green vegetables (spinach which you usually hate it because you don’t like the taste)cause vitamins as  well as calcium deficiency in your body and hence makes your bones weak and fragile. Besides these factors there are other factors also which leads to Osteoprosis such as excess intake of alcohol, hormone problems and sometimes taking diabetic pills such as Glucocorticoids also leads to such disease Osteoprosis.


So, if you are having multiple fractures which majorily seen when your bones become weak you must undergo certain tests to take precaution from such disease.Multiple fractures as in hip fracture, rip fracture, ankle fracture.If you judge out at very early stage that you are suffering from Osteoprosis general physician care can help a lot. They will give you “Osteoprosis Theraphy” which includes regular exercise which will make your bone strong and less fragile. Excerises that make your bones stronger  and making you fit at early stage of this disease is the best possible solution. Besides that there are various medical tests which can help you in detection of this disease. Following are the certain tests:


* Blood count : A detection of low lymphocytes is a indication of this disease.


* Hormones test


* Regular  test to detect your bone density such as MRI, Ultrasound, CT Scan can help you to detect your bone density in comparison to your bone mass and hence  helpful in detecting this disease.


There  are various groups which are associated for  protection of this disease: 



It keeps the database of people suffering from such disease and provide certain remedies for the same. 




This group is in Washington providing measures to prevent Osteoprosis and also organize certain campaign to spread awareness for the same.


Osteoprosis can be cured if one can take care of her/his diet. Instead of spilling your milk in basin mix little chocolate flavour. Trust me it will bring wonders and improve your health too.


Proper regular exercise like a brisk walk coming back from office will also work a lot. Eating burger won’t give anything except few minutes of satisfaction and hell lots of calories. Include green vegetables  in your diet ; pen down few reciepes from internet to make your food delicious food items. But not to forget to add green vegetables.


Prevent yourself from this deadly growing disease which many of us are unaware of. If you face any of the factors including your multiple fractures or face problem in even stepping down from your stairs. Just get a check up for it before its too late and above all never compromise with your food; life is busy money is important so does your health too. A healthy mind works more than an unhealthy body. Take precaution EAT HEALTHY LIVE HEALTHY!


Keywords: Osteoprosis defination, Reasons, Tests/Preventive Measures, Groups associated, Medical tests,  When to consult a physician


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