Natural Exfoliating Peels for the Skin

Posted by Trupti Shirole on Thu, Mar 31, 2011  
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These days buying good scrubs may be a little expensive. Also many people believe in using natural products for their skin. There is a belief that what is suitable for eating is also healthy for the skin.


Here are few simple methods for scrubbing your face with simple foodstuffs which are readily available in the kitchen. However, if you develop some kind of allergy or skin irritation, do not continue using these remedies.


  1. Lemon- Take a lemon slice and rub it on your face for 5 minutes. Leave it on for another 5 minutes and then wash off with cold water. Repeat thrice a day.


  1. Sugar- Prepare a mixture of brown sugar and white sugar in 1:2 proportions respectively. Store this mixture in an air tight container. Whenever you want to scrub your face, take a little sugar on your palm and wet a little. Scrub the face with this and wash off with cold water.


  1. Yeast and lemon juice- Crush some yeast in a small bowl. Add lemon juice to it. Use this mixture for scrubbing the skin. Wash off with water. Repeat this every morning for about a month.


  1. Coffee- Mix 5 Tablespoons of coffee ground with 1 tablespoon table salt. Use this mixture as a facial scrub.


  1. Baking soda- Mix 5 parts of soda and 1 part of water. Scrub the face using circular motions with this mixture. Wash off with cold water. Use this once or twice a week but not daily. (Caution- use baking soda and not baking powder.)


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