Myths about Weight Loss

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Thu, Feb 14, 2013  
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Do you think that doing 100 abdominal crunches is the way to flat stomach? Are you exercising on cardiovascular machines like the treadmill or stepper for an hour, thinking that the more you exercise the more you lose weight? If you are aiming an ideal figure on the weighing scale chances are there that you are on a devastating trip.


You should target fat-loss and not weight-loss. There are two tissues in the body- the lean tissue which is better known as muscle and the adipose fat tissue. By doing crunches alone one cannot lose the flab on the stomach. Fat belongs to your entire body and not to a particular part like the abdomen, hips, arms or thighs. Stomach crunches alone cannot help to lose flab on the tummy. Remember, no one particular exercise can bring about extraordinary results.


If you work out on the treadmill, cycle stepper, cross- trainer for more than an hour daily and you think you can lose weight then you are sadly mistaken. You end up harming your body rather than gaining anything out of it. Hence to minimize muscle loss and still get good cardiovascular workout, try not to exceed 45 minutes at a time.


Don’t be under the misconception that cardio-vascular work out are the only route to losing weight. The most effective method of burning fat is weight training. One needs to do weight raining along with aerobics to lose weight.


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