Mud therapy on Immune function

Posted by Sankari Dr.sankari Vanaraj on Sun, Sep 19, 2021  
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What is Mud Therapy?

Mud therapy is one of thr main natural therapies in natural medicine.Natural medicine or complementary practicwe recorded since the early stage of medical history,mud therapy also known as clay therapy, fangotherapy, Balneotherapy. Even Hippocrates father of medicine had described natural medicine and its interpretation. Natural therapy is one of the most potential primary care in all chronic form of the diseases. Natural principles arwe based on  the five elements theory. Earth is the one of ther elements used for treating various conditions. Mud used several thousand years ago in the form of mud baths for treating various neurological, reproductive and cardiovascular, skin conditions.

It sholud be traken at a depth of 2 feet below ground level.To seperate impurities,the mud should first be dried in the sun, powered, and sieved.

Different Types of mud therapy

Therapeutric mud is treated in natural mineral water to allow it to mature or ripen into its therapeutic characteristics since mineral water is primarily mineral in origin. Each mud matures differently, but in general, it involves oxidation and reduction over a periood of up to 12 months. As the mud matures, its chemical composition and apperance change.

According to its Physical and Chemical properties, medical mud can be divided into different types.

1. Saprogenic mud

2. Peat mud

3. Dead sea mud

4. Moor mud

5. Siltsulfide mud

6. Blackmud & Hill mud

According to the therapeutic application mudtherspy categories  in two types such as Local application and general application.

The science behind mud therapy

Therapeutic benefits of mud brin in two ways,while at therapy so we called active phase and after the therpay effect called passive effect, generally depends upon the disease's  stage the application also differs but always since mud has acooling effect on skin, it stimulates peripheral circulation during the application, due to thwe effect the accumlation of fluid caused by inflammation is getting reduced. There is some research proving that chronic inflammation such as rheumatiod and osteoarthritis getting prognosis after the mud therapy. The use of  mud alters the immune system's innate and inflammatory respoinses,which may contribute to its  clinical benefits.

A glance at the immunological system

As the body's defence mechanism against hostile agents,the immune response consist of innate,nonspecific defence,and adaptive, specific responsers. Among the natural mechanisms are the skin barrier, saliva, tears, complement proteins, lysozyme, bacterial flora, NK cells, epithelia, endometrium, red blood cells, and platelets. The adaptive acquired immune response will utilize the ability of specific lymphocytes.

Antigens play a role in activating the immune system and therefore causing active immunity. The immunity that results from the exchange of immune cells and antibodies among immunized individuals as passive immunity.

Mud therapy and Immune function 

According to scientific research findings, mud is capable of affecting the immune system.In this case, we have to consider two ways one directly affects the local circulation and otherf triggers an immunomodulatory response. Chemotaxis may increase and oxidative bursts may decrease without causing phagocytosis to change as a result intervention.Increasing the systemic concentration of cortisol after mud therapy may mediate the stimulation of neutrophil phagocytosis in patients with osteoarthritis.


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