Mini-lap hysterectomy

Posted by Abhijit Ramesh Kher on Wed, Jan 12, 2011  
No of Views(12897)

Conventional open Hysterectomy is being replaced by Laparoscopic Hysterectomy.But still there is lack of adequately skilled Laparoscopic Surgeons and lack of adequate instrumentation to achieve an absolutely 'risk-free' surgery.

For small uterus Vaginal Hsterectomy still happens to be the safest choice( compared to Laparoscopic Surgery).
For the Larger Uterus one can go for the MINILAP approach for abdominal Hysterectomy; with following advantages:


1. A small abbdominal cut (usually not more than 2")


2. Smaller cut leading to much less post-operative discomfort.

3. Hardly any exposure of intestines--Hence almost no incidence of Ileus (impared bowel movements)

4. Cosmetically acceptable to patient

5. Can be easily performed under Spinal or Epidural Anesthesia; avoiding risks associated with General Anesthesia in some patients

6. Risks associated with Carbon dioxide gas insufflation, in laparoscopic hysterectomy toatally avoided.

7. Surgery under direct vision/ can be easily converted into Conventional Abdominal method in case of complications or unsuspected pathology revealed; under the same anesthesia and with no change in patients position and with very few additinal instruments.

8. No need of any costly Equipments and Instruments.No need for back-up facilities.No need of skilled assistant/s ( all these are essential for Laparoscopic Hysterectomy).

9. Being just a modification of conventional Abdominal Hysterectomy any Gynecologist can easily master this technique( short learning curve).

10. It can be likened to how Vertical Midline approach was gradually replaced by pfannestiel approach.


Readers' suggestions/criticism highly welcome

Dr.Abhijit Kher
I have been doing all my Hysterectomies by this method since more than last 5 yrs.


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