Love and Good Health

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Fri, Aug 19, 2011  
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Love can really keep you healthy and young. Love helps to fight stress and boosts your immunity too. So friends soak in love and make your life beautiful and healthy.


A fulfilling relationship can make you over- come your daily challenges. Women who are in good marriages or relationships have lower risk of heart diseases as compared to women who are in stressful marriages. Loving relationship reduces stress because you know you have someone to fall upon in times of mental support. So you are calm and secure even if you receive a circus tic mail from your boss saying that how unproductive you are at the work place.


Studies have shown that lovemaking with your partner on a regular basis or a near to regular basis can actually keep increase your immunity and keep you disease proof. Research on neurobiology of love has shown its impact on several hormones and neuro-transmitters. Love can trigger the release of several neuro-transmitters such as dopamine, neuro-hormones like oxytocin and neuro-peptides like endorphin that has an effect on stress and wellbeing of a person. The happy chemical that releases when you are in a happy relationship makes you secured and focused in your life. Happy couples feel that doing things together makes them contented and they end up spending more time with each other. Emotional and mental collaboration is an important ingredient to keep your relationship strong and your health stronger.


Sex keeps you fit and it is a fantastic work out too. You end up burning a lot of calories when you are lovemaking. If it is vigorous sex the pulse rate rises up to 150 which are actually excellent. The best way to build your pelvic floor muscles is through sex.


If you want that glowing skin sex with your partner is the best way to achieve it because it increases blood circulation and pumps oxygen into the skin. Love makes you happy and hence a good oestrogen-progesteron balance has a good effect on the skin. SO to stay in good health keep your love alive.





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