Live your life

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Fri, Sep 21, 2012  
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Life is like fine gold dust if we do not watch out, it slips away between our fingers in no time. Let’s make the best use of life now. Now is the time we have complete control over it. Just spend time with yourself. Shut your eyes gently and feel your breath. You will find yourself spellbound in peace, this is the time  when you will be able to touch the plane of complete perfect health in you.


Stop running away from yourself. Don’t be emotionally dependent on others. Be like the hermit, in harmony with the entire universe. A well exercised fit body brings you fully alive and things are easier to do. Learn to love your own company. In fact any time you are feeling demotivated, low, sluggish remember that motion affects emotion. An inactive body brings on fatigue, crankiness, uneasiness, loss of appetite, back pain, stiff neck, shoulder pain and the list is endless.


As you walk and run let all worries, ill feelings and negative thoughts wash and run away from you. Make yourself a carrier of positive thinking. Think positive. Be positive. The walk and run session can be done at anytime of the day, be it in the morning, evening or for that matter even in the afternoon. If you are positive in life, nothing negative can ever happen to you. Even if some unexpected incident happens in your life, take it as a lesson. You will surely come out of it shining bright.


I won’t say don’t eat junk food, but what I can say is that minimize the intake of junk food. Keep toxins at minimum. Consume easy to digest energy-providing food.


To have a clear fresh mind you should drink adequate amount of water. Get a good night’s sleep. Don’t keep yourself surrounded with people all the time. Eat gently. Chew and relish each and every morsel of food. Listen to the wind, the rain; enjoy the walk on the sand. Listen to the birds singing.


Nothing can be better in life than to have positive emotions and pure, loving relationships. Be passionate about life. It is never too late to start anything new. Just enjoy and learn new things in life. Pick up a hobby. Read, paint, practice yoga or rather do anything makes you feel good or gives you pleasure. Laugh from your heart and also cry your heart out whenever you are feeling low. Don’t let emotions get rotten inside you. Just pour it out and be honest to yourself.


Whatever you give comes back to you. Don’t be mean to others, don’t think ill about others. Just learn to love and compliment others generously.   At the same time don’t be too humble or too good to others then people will take due advantage of you. Just maintain a healthy balance. Strife for more in life and give your best in whatever you do.


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  • avatar
    Saturday, September 22, 2012 Bharat38894

    like your thought true fact of life.

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