Learn to Conquer all Hardships

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Tue, Nov 22, 2011  
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All of us at some point of time experience some kind of trauma. Trauma is caused by various factors like loss of some one dear, end of a marriage, frightening illness, financial insecurity, loss of a job. How we cope and conquer these insecurities is what is most important.


Don’t beat yourself up or try to be jolly. Give yourself some time. It is natural to feel bad if you lose something close to your heart. Acknowledge your feelings. Confide in someone. Do not keep yourself away from people. This does not mean you will pour your feeling to anybody you meet.  But just talk it out with people who really wishes good for you and who are genuinely interested in your well-being.


Let go of toxic resentments and judgments. You can forgive someone, but also take steps to prevent the person from taking advantage of you in the future. Most important is to forgive yourself. If you notice self criticism seeping in, then admit to yourself that you made a mistake and then work accordingly. Tell yourself that even if I made a mistake I still love and respect myself.


Believe that you can bounce back. Have faith in your own ability to cope. Regular physical activity, especially exercises that you truly enjoy, boosts both your energy and your mood, and it reinforces your power to take charge of your own health and well-being. Learn to step out of your comfort zone. By embracing the unfamiliar you will have the capacity to handle all sorts of new situations.


When you notice yourself thinking pessimistic or cynical thoughts, take a moment to step back and re-evaluate the whole situation. Connect with your spiritual side. A sacred connection is a powerful coping method. People who are religious or spiritual stay healthier and report higher level of well-being than those who aren’t.


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  • avatar
    Wednesday, November 23, 2011 drketanvagholkar

    Very good article. All college students should read this article.

  • avatar
    Wednesday, November 23, 2011 drketanvagholkar

    Excellent article. Very informative. All college students especially those persuing professional courses should read this article

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