Laughter the Best Medicine

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Tue, Feb 22, 2011  
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Did you know that laughter promotes healing in the body and in relationships? Children who grow up without a sense of humour are frozen in a state of defensiveness and anxiety. Laughter loosens up the mental gears and helps you to think creatively. Laughter reduces stress level and relaxes the body by lowering heart rate and blood pressure. Laughter has the ability to release endorphins, the brains natural pain killers. It is our duty to keep laughter alive not only for ourselves, but also for the sake of our children.


Children who grow up with out a sense of humour develop a lot of stress related diseases in the future. Their self esteem collapses in the worry of being wrong. They are afraid to laugh and especially at themselves, because they are always wondering about what the people might think about them.


Teach your child to look at the lighter side of the situation. Learn to see humour in every day life like you can laugh over a burnt toast, a broken toy, a walk in the rain. Play the tickle- tickle game with your baby. Sing the funny rhyme-‘round and round goes the piggy….one step, two step tickle tickle tickle.’ Take the kids to the zoo and watch them have fun. Stick some cartoons on the fridge and on the study table.


Jokes can make a person laugh. But at the same time one needs to be careful about the joke. Tell your child that it is unkind to make jokes and pass remarks that can hurt somebody’s feeling.  Don’t allow your child to make fun of other’s disabilities. Correct your child is he makes fun of somebody who walks with a limp or somebody who has a speech defect.


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