How to have a long lasting relationship?

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Fri, Mar 22, 2013  
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When something comes easy in today’s day and age, we always end up having that nagging thought that this is not going to last. Believe me being in love doesn’t happen only in novels or in movies, but it happens in reality too. One should never stop growing and evolving in a relationship. It is only when couples stop evolving conflicts in relationship starts.


Being unaware of your partner’s needs can create a rift in the relationship. Most of the time, one doesn’t pay attention to a partner’s needs. It is the responsibility of both the individuals in a relationship to take the effort required to accept the changes taking place and grow accordingly. Remember the key to a successful relationship is communication. You should talk out the differences. The more you talk, the greater is your interest in your partner.


Love is not about extravagance, but about how much you care for each other and the small things that you do for each other.


Estrangement and love cannot exist simultaneously for a long time. Commitment is the crux of any long lasting relationship. Transformation is the key to long lasting relationship. Indulge in just enough public display of affection, but don’t overdo it. Compliment your partner in front of others and stare into each other eyes. Make sometime for the family. Family time is very important for long lasting loving relationship. Both men and women find it very attractive when they see in each other that they are good parents. Family should be your priority and when you value your family, you value your partner that much more. And most importantly be committed in your relationship with others.




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