How to get rid of Negative Feelings?

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Wed, Oct 12, 2011  
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Experiencing occasional negative feelings is natural. But the problem starts when we suppress our emotions all the time. We sometimes feel angry with our spouse, but we suppress them. Sometimes for no reason we feel unhappy. The point is we should never suppress our emotions. Emotions come and go. So we should not resist it because anything we resist persists. That is the simple law of nature.


Learn to love yourself. The reason why we cannot accept the various feelings is because we do not accept ourselves the way we are. We like ourselves only when we are being nice, clever and compassionate. We do not like ourselves when we are sad or angry. You should love yourself unconditionally and accept yourself even when you are feeling low. Feelings they say are like guests sometimes wanted and sometimes unwanted. Let them in and they will disappear automatically. Stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself how much you love yourself.


Once self love begins to show up, it is relatively easy to become aware of our feelings and accept them. Be aware of your feelings. I admit that it is tough sometimes, but it is definitely not impossible. So just give it a try. Frequently we come across situations that are extremely difficult for us to handle and it gives us tremendous stress. An illness, a financial crisis, loss of a near and dear one or a simple thing in life which you thought you could have achieved or somebody close to your heart could have achieved did not get it in life. So how do you free yourself of such stress? It is always good to have somebody close to your heart with whom you can share such feelings. Just vent out your emotions to that person and see for yourself how it helps? You feel much lighter from within. Or else write to yourself about your feelings. Your diary will become your best friend.


The company you keep makes a lot of difference. When we keep wrong company our minds gets polluted. Sometimes knowingly or unknowingly we get in the company of wrong people. There are some people who are not good for us. They bully us, make snide remarks, make fun of us, treat us badly and control our lives. To be in the company of such people hinders our growth and affects our self-esteem. Don’t waste your time with such people. My advice would be to just cut off from them.


Meditate to cleanse yourself from negative feelings. Meditation has the capacity to detoxify our mind.


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