Posted by Trupti Shirole on Tue, Sep 7, 2010  
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It is necessary to gain the right weight during pregnancy. The weight gain in pregnancy should ideally be 25-35pounds (11-16kgs). To gain this weight it is very important to follow a well balanced nutritious diet. Eating for two does not mean eating twice. A pregnant woman requires about 100-300 calories more than her regular diet.


Women who gain less weight during pregnancy have low birth weight babies. Often there can be growth retardation in the baby.


 Similarly gaining extra is also risky. Obese pregnant women are at risk of having high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia, backache, pain in the legs. They deliver high birth weight babies who may later develop obesity.


 Here are some tips to gain weight in the right way-

  • Eat small 5-6 meals throughout the day.


  • Carrying food is a wise thing because it is not advisable to stay hungry for long and it allows you to snack throughout the day.


  • Have healthy snacks like fruits, nuts, raisins, dry fruits throughout the day. Avoid biscuits, cakes, sweets, ice-creams, chocolates.


  • Use low-fat cooking methods like boiling, baking, grilling.


  • Use minimum salt while cooking food.


  • Avoid sweetened drinks like soft drinks, powered drink mixes, fruit drinks. Instead opt for water, fresh fruit juices to avoid the extra calories.


  • Avoid junk food.


  • Have food rich in proteins- Meat, fish, eggs, pulses. Fish may contain unsafe levels of mercury due to environmental pollution. Mercury causes congenital defects. But having 2 servings of fish per week is considered to be safe.


  • Include dairy products in your diet- butter, cheese, milk, curd


  • Eat whole grains


  • Add supplements like protein powder to the food.




 Moderate exercises like walking and swimming help women to stay fit during pregnancy and avoid putting on extra weight.




Weight gain during pregnancy has effects on the post partum period. The fat deposited during pregnancy is used up for breast feeding. It takes 1000-1500 calories per day to produce milk. If there is more weight gain during pregnancy you will have to work out more. Exercise is important for flexibility, weight loss.


 So gaining weight during pregnancy is not getting fat. It is getting extra calories (energy) for growing up a baby


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