How Smart Women Stay Happy?

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Fri, Oct 12, 2012  
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The stress of modern life takes such an awful toll on our patience as well as it completely tires us down. Your stamina gives up and you are hardly left with any energy to laugh and be merry. Every hour of the day we are so busy to keep our children and husband happy that we completely forget about our own happiness.


We want everything in life- we want to keep track of each and every activity that our kids do, we want them to do well in studies and extra-curricular activities, we want our husbands to do well in their career, we want ourselves to also climb up the ladder of career success, we want to look great at every occasion whether it is a normal party or an ordinary family get together. We at the same time need to maintain a good social life and keep in touch with friends and relatives. We need to keep ourselves fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle and practice yoga everyday to look our best. In short we are pressured to be at our best in whatever we do. We all are in fact suffering from the ‘super woman syndrome’.


But in spite of all the pressure when we look around we see women who are happy and they lead equally busy life like us. Their faces are radiant with enthusiasm, their bodies are energetic and their spirits are high. They have tremendous physical and mental stamina unlike us. They are never irritated and I ask myself how do they manage to overcome such hurdles of life?


I know it is easier said than done, but it is important that we cut out all negatives from our life. We all go through painful experiences in our life like humiliation, illness, loss of loved ones. But it is up to us to put everything behind us and move on in life. So my advice would be leave your past behind.


In the age hardheadedness and lack of emotion which are rampant in business life and the selfishness we encounter in our personal lives, the throb of the heart often goes unheard. The heart is always more compassionate and loving than our heads. Heads calculate while hearts resonate.


Anger, jealousy and impatience cause more wrinkles and puffy eyes than you would imagine. If you want a glowing face, then throw away all angers.  Deliberately choose love rather than hate. Start new innovative activities that make you feel good. Living a routine life with demanding career, office, home and kids hardly leaves you with any time for yourself. Make small new ventures like pick up a new hobby, learn a little baking or painting, go for a quick enjoyable weekend or make new friends.


Recreate happy moments again and again in your life. There are some happy events in our life which are completely unforgettable. These could be rewarding career success, joyful assignments, leisure activities or hobbies and exciting travels which leave a mark in our memory bank.


Don’t just sit in front of problems and worry about it. Find ways to overcome it. Make every effort to show a caring attitude- in words and in action- to your family, friends and the people you come across in your life. Your home is the centre of your universe and if you are unhappy there, you cannot be happy anywhere. So make your home beautiful and be full of love and happiness and see how much better you feel.



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