
Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Thu, Jun 20, 2013  
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You love their company. You can’t do without them. They are good as well as bad. They are sometimes envious and make snide remarks. He or she is a part of your life.  But sometimes or rather most of the times they are the ones who gets your blood pressure to rise. They help you in times of need, but there are also times when they back bite about you. How do you deal with such people?


Well, I would term such people not as friends, but as frenemies.  My idea is how you survive with such people. My first step would be that don’t share any information that is private with a frenemy. Keep all personal information to yourself. Don’t talk about your plans or your aspirations with a frenemy. Behave like a casual acquaintance with a frenemy. Talk to them, but maintain a distance. Life has taught me a lot of lessons about whom my enemies are and who my real friends are. Frenemies are a very special species who most of the time is sweet in the mouth, but are very unhappy when something good happens to you. If you hear something negative about yourself, then set the records straight without giving a hint on the suspect.


If your friend is really upsetting you, consider the fact whether you actually need to have them in your life. Human being needs friends. It does not matter whether you have many friends or a few friends. Social interaction is very important for survival. So it is very important to be with the kind of people whom you want to.


Sometimes try to analyse the mental condition of the person. And I have seen people who are very insecure get a lot of pleasure to putting others down. Be confident about whom you want in your life and whom you don’t and don’t feel scared to dump them. You don’t need to have a big show down; you can slowly distance yourself from your frenemy.


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