Estimation of the tendency of high or low blood pressure, by using electro tridosha graphy etg ayurvedascan system

Posted by Desh Bandhu Bajpai on Sat, Jan 22, 2011  
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Newly invented Ayurveda Medical Science technology ETG AyurvedaScan have privilege to estimate the patents tendency of , whether Patient is having Low or High blood pressure , the estimation solves the treatment problem more easy in concerns to Ayurvedic physician.


ETG system has fixed a range level of  BLOOD PRESSURE in between 100 to 160 mm/ Hg  of SYSTOLIC nature and 60 to 90 mm/Hg of DIASTOLIC nature.


Systolic blood pressure is according to ETG AyurvedaScan, is fixed 130 mm/Hg., while DIASTOLIC pressure is fixed 75mm Hg level for estimation purposes.


It is observed in patients that , when ‘d’ and ‘e’ waves  are elevated positively in lead no.15 upper to 12 e.v., it shows the higher tendency of BLOOD PRESSURE, that means the blood pressure is above to 130 mm /Hg level , shows tendency of higher raising of Blood pressure. When the above said waves going towards the negative side , it shows the LOW BLOOD PRESSURE tendency.


It is also observed , when ‘k’ wave is well elevated upto normal limit with ‘d’ and ‘e’ waves , patient have almost near to NORMAL LIMIT of BLOOD PRESSURE.


The estimation of BLOOD PRESSURE helps clinician for better and accurate management and treatment for quick recovery because ETG AyurvedaScan provides data of the other organs for consideration in view of treatment and selection of appropriate Ayurvedic or Homoeopathic  medications.


Observation of the ETG AyurvedaScan data  shows that HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE patients are also suffering with the other anomalies of the vital organs with their PATHOPHYSIOLOGY respectively and as a result of HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE.



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