Early orthodontic diagnosis and treatment

Posted by Prabhuraj Sabarad Orthodontist on Tue, Jun 15, 2010  
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Teenagers who have malaligned and crowded teeth and require braces treatment are adviced to seek consultation...please mail your query to me. email:  mail2prabhuraj@gmail.com

Treatment timing guidelinies with orthopedic appliances:

Class I malocclusion: If there is crowding without severe overjet or TMJ symptoms, initiation of treatment can wait until 10.5 to 12 years of age. Starting earlier may prolong the treatment time. A three-way expansion appliance will aid in uncrowding the maxillary dentition. A mandibular sagittal appliance will aid uncrowding of the mandibular arch.

Class II division 1 malocclusion: should be treated  early if the following conditions apply:

  1. There is a overjet of 5mm or more with labially inclined incisors.
  2. TMJ symptoms are present.
  3. Patient is keen to receive the treatment.

Treatment can begin early (between ages 8 and 10 years). When there is severe maxillary incisor proclination, the flared incisors have increased chances of traumatic fracture, particularly in boys.

 Class  II Division  2 malocclusion patient  can wait for treatment until age 10 to 12 years, unless there are symptoms of TMJ disorder. Usually the young patients  with TMJ disorder symptoms are not mature enough to wear a mandibular repositioning appliance until the age of 8 years.

Class III malocclusion is treated as early as patient co-operation permits. Some investigations suggest chin-cap therapy as early as  5 to 6 years.  A saggital appliance can help in the treatment of maxillary deficiency & anterior crossbite.

Treating the patient during a growth spurt is beneficial.

Treatment  of skeletal discrepancies (eg. Class II), is more advantageous if carried out in the  mixed dentition growth spurt period.(boys 8-11 yrs; girls 7-9 yrs). Pre-pubertal growth spurt for boys is at 14-16 yrs & in girls is 11-13 yrs (eg. arch expansion).

Orthognathic surgery should be carried out after growth ceases.


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