Posted by MINI DEVASSY on Thu, Jun 3, 2010  
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Dysphagia is a medical term for "difficulty swallowing".This may be a side effect of any operation that causes restriction in the stomach.Lap adjustable gastric banding,Roux en-Y gastric bypass and even duodenal switch.This is caused by eating too fast too much or not chewing well enough when the stomach has been made smaller.Therefore, the food backs up into the esophagus and causes chest pressure or even a tightness in the throat.It is important to stop eating or drinking if u have dysphagia otherwise regurgitation or vomiting may ensue.Dysphagia can be avoided by chewing very well,eating slowly(putting the fork or spoon down for a min between swallowed bites) and avoiding tough food such as doughy bread or dry chicken breast.

                                                                      Patients who have gastric banding may feel dysphagia after having their band tightened or adjusted.To avoid this feeling,it is recommended that the patient stays on 2 days of liquids,2 days of mushy foods and then progress to solid food on the 5th day after band adjustment.This will allow the patient to get used to their new band tightness.If the dysphagia is severe the band can be loosened.

                                                                       After gastric bypass, dysphagia may occur during the first 6 months but improves, if the stoma stretches.Occasionally, dysphagia may be severe 4-6 weeks after surgery,to the point where it is difficult to drink fluids.This may be a stomal stricture, which can be treated with endoscopy.Before making changes in diet,vitamins and medications, be sure to consult your physician.


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