Doctors Life and Today's Rural set-up

Posted by rajatsubhra mukhopadhyay on Sun, Nov 28, 2010  
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Today there is no difference between a doctor who is working at rural areas & who is in any metropolition in any where in the world.

This was not possible even ten years back in india. And this is a fact because with in this period there have been explotions in communication technology. Today internet ,mobile ,development of road traffic condition even at the furthest corner of this country  & cars have made possible this dream - a true.
I myself is engaged in such a life style and an example of such a doctor who is fully engaged with practice,research & is connected with all parts of the world with the most updated informations & different seminars at national & international levels.
I would request to all fore comings doctors not to neglect the rural setup for  starting of their life.
There are severals conditions those a doctors of metropolitonlife style & routine never could imagine & feel.
Here the self confidences & originality is very important to modify the traditional knowledge base [from our medical student ship]to do something good for this areas.
The drawbacks at these areas are
1.readily available good medicine shop & medicines.
2.good transport system to transfer an emergency patients.
3.good medical staffs.
4. Good schools for children.
5. Any good recreations.
Not for all areas this is he true still these are important points those are needed to be improved,still if doctors are confident & having positive attitude ,and if they modify their art of medical science according to the situations & can diagonose in early condition ,-the unnecessory referral to the heigher centres & mediacl colleges could be curtailed down.that will indirectly help the apex institutions giving a better  treament .
Besides, the rural based doctors are worth to be appreciated & sholud be focused for their service,contribution & sacrifice of previledges of city/metropolitons.
This will encourage the doctors to work at this areas .and about the  gap  between village & city ,-about which i'm speaking ,-will be more closer, in terms of informations & communications ,which will offer them an exceptional honour that the city based doctors will never have.


Today there is no difference between a doctor who is working at rural areas & who is in any metropolition in any where in the world.

This was not possible even ten years back in india. And this is a fact because with in this period there have been explotions in communication technology. Today internet ,mobile ,development of road traffic condition even at the furthest corner of this country  & cars have made possible this dream - a true.

I myself is engaged in such a life style and an example of such a doctor who is fully engaged with practice,research & is connected with all parts of the world with the most updated informations & different seminars at national & international levels.

I would request to all fore comings doctors not to neglect the rural setup for  starting of their life.

There are severals conditions those a doctors of metropolitonlife style & routine never could imagine & feel.

Here the self confidences & originality is very important to modify the traditional knowledge base [from our medical student ship]to do something good for this areas.

The drawbacks at these areas are

1.readily available good medicine shop & medicines.

2.good transport system to transfer an emergency patients.

3.good medical staffs.

4. Good schools for children.

5. Any good recreations.

Not for all areas this is he true still these are important points those are needed to be improved,still if doctors are confident & having positive attitude ,and if they modify their art of medical science according to the situations & can diagonose in early condition ,-the unnecessory referral to the heigher centres & mediacl colleges could be curtailed down.that will indirectly help the apex institutions giving a better  treament .

Besides, the rural based doctors are worth to be appreciated & sholud be focused for their service,contribution & sacrifice of previledges of city/metropolitons.

This will encourage the doctors to work at this areas .and about the  gap  between village & city ,-about which i'm speaking ,-will be more closer, in terms of informations & communications ,which will offer them an exceptional honour that the city based doctors will never have.




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