Dietary fats- The real strory!!!

Posted by Shwetal shinde on Tue, Jun 22, 2010  
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Fat makes fat- it sounds right ans makes a good headline, but it's simplistic and incomplete. The relationship of dietary fat to body fat is misunderstood. There is no doubt that eliminating unhealthy fats from the diet is important, but eating right kind and amount of fat can be even more important in weight management. Low fat dieting has become a national obession and has given rise to whole new lines of low-fat and non-fat products. But sometimes adding fats to your diet will help you lose weight- if they are the right fats. Fats are required to support the functioning of the brain,nervous system and immune system. They assisst in the absorption and transport of fats- soluble vitamins such vit A,D,E and K. They help your skin to glow and maintains its elasticity.

Fat can be grouped as healthy such as essential fatty acids (EFA'S) and unhealthy fats which include hydrogenated /saturated fatty acids. So keep your eyes open when you choose your dietary fat next time....

To know more about fats, keep following this blog......


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