Breaking The Barrier

Posted by chandni srinivasan on Tue, Nov 10, 2009  
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The word hiv/aids is still a mystery amongst us .As it stands first in the medical dictionary because of the inevitable  alphabetical order..Many of us know just bits and pieces of information gathered here and there,not knowing the myths and facts..But have we for a minute thought what is going on in their minds as the stigma attatched to it is more deadlier than the disease itself.Let us not let go the support they need,by holding their hands we are actually increasing every moment in their life.

Unlike the deadly H1N1 where we have to wear masks and isolate ourselves,hiv/aids is not airborne.The alarming truth is one can live under the same roof without masks,share food and shelter.Its our mind that teaches us to discriminate not the disease itself.We are mentally prepared to adopt or sympathise with a baby born with some kind of disability but the question arises as to why we are not willing to accept the fact that babies born with hiv/aids are abandoned  for no fault of theirs?Well,the answer lies within us.change your thoughts and accept them with a smile.This therapy would take them as far as the ART would.

Thankyou for reading my blog.a little bit of compassion could change your outlook to life ..As the African saying goes'HAKUNA MATATA' which means DONT WORRY BE HAPPY is follwed by them as they have accepted each other inspite of the world discriminating them.Lets not be a part of the community!


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    Friday, November 13, 2009 drsuresh1

    nise introduction,keep it up.

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