Brain Drain

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Sat, Jan 29, 2011  
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Fatigue is among the top ten health complaints received by doctors around the world. Despite modern luxuries, true relaxation keeps floating out of reach. The best way to tackle the situation, according to experts, is to bring about a radical change from old habits.


Positive thinking:


Our thinking process is influenced by the constant monologue in our minds. When there is an overdose of negative feedback, energy levels go down. Irrational, self-defeating thoughts serve no purpose other than to bring on fatigue and an overwhelming sense of helplessness. Blaming ourselves for every single mistake allows nagging thoughts to occur, causing physical fatigue and a sluggish mind. Experts recommend substituting negative thinking with positive ones.


Time out:


Taking a few minutes off every hour or two helps the brain to recharge. It provides a chance to look at the problem in hand with a new perspective and explore solutions from different angles. When you are doing some important task taking a few minutes off may appear to be a difficult job, but psychologists believe that there are many benefits that are cured by such an exercise.


Eat right:


Often, our eating patterns are the first to suffer when our work load piles up. Appeasing a hungry stomach with easily available junk food, rather than nutritious food at regular intervals, can create havoc with fitness levels. Reaching for high calorie foods provide a temporary boost to flagging energy levels. But such foods keep energy up only for a short period of time. Glucose level dips soon afterwards, resulting in distraction and an inability to concentrate. Simple sugars shoot up blood sugar level and provide instant energy, but only temporarily. Diet rich in complex carbohydrates works best for a slow and steady release of energy. All whole grains, a few vegetables and some fruits are great sources of complex carbs.


Water therapy:


When water intake is down, energy and concentration levels are affected. Water accounts for almost sixty per cent of our body weight. After oxygen it is the most important element needed to sustain human life. So it is not surprising that decrease levels of water in the body result sin fatigue. There is a loss of fluid through sweating and urination. Unless the lost fluids are replenished, the kidney goes on a conservation mode, affecting the workings of other body systems. Loss of water may lead to fatigue, dizziness, irritability, lack of concentration, diminished muscular endurance and other serious conditions. Water is important to hydrate the tissue including brain tissue.


Get some exercise:


The weight of our brain is less than five per cent of our body, yet it uses up thirty per cent of the oxygen taken in. One of the most important factors affecting proper functioning of the brain is the supple of adequate levels of oxygen. Regular exercise helps in routing of oxygen to the brain and heart. Exercise helps in improved blood flow to the brain and helps to remove toxin from the body.


Colour Codes:


Colours influence our moods. Cheerful yellows, oranges and reds give a boost to creativity while pale colours promote lethargy. Of course, an overdose of stimulating colours can provide to be distracting too. Care should be taken to create harmonious blends of colours that soothe and also induce creativity.


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  • avatar
    Monday, January 31, 2011 prema

    The term brain drain is generally used for immigration of intelligent manpower from one country to another. Like brain drain of Indian doctors. Wiki defines it as - Brain drain is also known as “The human capital flight”. It can be simply defined as the mass emigration of technically skilled people from one country to another country. So what is the author talking about in this article- brain fatigue and not brain drain.

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