Alcohol, Teenagers and Parents

Posted by Trupti Shirole on Wed, Apr 27, 2011  
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We all are aware about the rising number of teenagers engaging in risky behavior like alcoholism.


The worst mistake parents can do is assuming that my child is too small to be exposed to alcohol. With growth in media there is a greater likelihood of children being exposed to undesirable content. Alcoholic beverages are advertised on TV, radio, internet, magazines and newspapers; and children have easy access to all these. Generally these ads have their favorite superstars advertising the product. Seeing their role models drinking is very tempting for the kids and they fall prey to these addictions. Though not addictions always, but many feel like trying them out. Studies claim that about 50% teenagers try out alcohol before finishing with high school. So can parents really guarantee that their children are not among that 50%?


Here are some of the factors that influence alcohol abuse among teenagers-  

- Excessive free time

- Weak family structures

- Peer pressure or Social pressure

- Glorification of drinking to media


Several times children just want to try alcohol for fun sake or just to stay cool. They do not want to be left out among their group.

Several children might have emotional or mental issues, or are exposed to abusive environment at home. Some children might just not feel right regardless of how loving and supportive their parents might be. They resort to alcoholism just because they want to feel better or right.


Look for the following changes among children to understand whether children are resorting to alcohol-

- Mood changes or changes in energy levels.

- Redness in the eyes

- Change in their eating habits

- Change in friends circle


If your child is getting addicted to drinking you might not be able to handle it alone. You and your child need help! Do not hesitate to seek professional guidance as talking it out with the kids might not be always helpful. Instead it can make them more agitated. So handle the matter calmly.


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