A new member of the medical fraternity

Posted by Simranjeet Aulakh on Tue, Jan 31, 2012  
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Hello everyone. I have given my MBBS final examination 3weeks ago and am awaiting my results. My fingers are crossed!

I have reached a phase of life, where i have to make a life changing decision. and through this blog i would like advice from you all.

I am the first doctor in my family, and i need advice from as many doctors as possible.

i have to decide, rather i should use the term, choose, between appearing for the PG entrance exam or USMLE. i understand that struggle is present in both choices, but i do not know which will be better in the long run. the quality of life in America is better than that here. and to reach a stage where we have enough experience and earnings to lead an equilavent life here in India, might take longer. that might be a naive point of view.

However, apart from this problem, there is one more. i really really want to do surgery! but i am aware that there are no seats for surgery for international students in the states. so i do not know if i should give up my dream to become a surgeon for a better quality of life and working conditions. i do not know the status of a female surgeon here in india. so if i could get some feedbacks on that, it would be great. the way the patients think about a female surgeon, i have no clue about. but also i think that how good a doctor you become decides how many patients want to come to you and put their faith in you.

Any input and advice would be great help at this point. i want to decide for sure before my results are out, that is within 3 weeks. thank you very much!


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  • avatar
    Monday, February 6, 2012 Simmie

    thank you for your advise sir. i came in this field knowing that there is need for hard work through out my life. be it in india or abroad. its just a question of doing surgery or not. thank you again.

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    Tuesday, January 31, 2012 srmcurology

    Maybe I can give u some general advise. Female surgeons do as well as male surgeons. QOL /Lifestyle in India can be as good as USA depending on where u live and friends u have. You may make more money abroad but this is nothing to do with lifestyle. Take as many exams as possible at this stage, if u are hard working and ambitious. Remember if there is no pain there will be no gain. No short cuts to this. The mantra to survive in the world of medical science is hard work and nothing but hard work.

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