Yogic leg lifts for thunder thighs

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Sat, Dec 25, 2010  
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 In yoga, there are several versions of the leg lifts by which you can tighten and tone up this difficult region, starting from inner-outer thighs to the hip region. In fact, the butt shape determines your thigh width also, so the yoga workout must cover the entire lower half of the body.

Yogic Leg Lifts:

 Utthanpadasana (Stretched leg pose): Lie down on your back, raise your right leg, ensuring that it is at a right angle. Then do five to ten repeats. Inhale as you raise the leg, exhale as you drop it. Then repeat the same thing with your left lag.

 Uttanpadasana (Stretched leg pose, double leg raise version): Lie on the back. Inhaling, raise both legs up. Exhaling, drop both legs down. Do it five to ten times. Ensure that your shoulders are down and the legs are not bent at the knees. In the final round, when lowering the legs, hold the feet off the ground (about 20 degrees) for five seconds. Slowly, increase the duration to 20 seconds after a few weeks.

 Side leg lift: Lie on your right side. Fold the right arm to rest head on the right palm. Align body to see that the body is straight. Then inhale to lift the left leg up, at right angles to the body. Drop, exhaling. Do five to ten minutes. Switch sides.

 Side leg lift, double legs: Lie down on the side. Raise both the legs. Here you will not be able to raise the legs very high, nevertheless attempt it. Then change sides.

 Make a circle: Lie down flat keeping hands on both sides. Do not raise your head. Make a complete circle with your right leg first by moving it n the clockwise direction. Then make a circle again in anti-clockwise direction with the right leg it self. Repeat the same thing with the left leg.


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  • avatar
    Saturday, May 19, 2012 simplycg

    i have tried so many places but unable to get this concentration, can you tell some better alternativeREgards

  • avatar
    Saturday, May 19, 2012 simplycg

    i have tried but unable to get that concentration any where , can you tell some alternative

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